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Savings and Investments

British Pound Coins

I offer Independent Financial Advice on a range of savings and investment options, including: 


  • Individual Savings Accounts (ISA's)

  • Investment Accounts

  • Investment Bonds

  • Junior ISA's 

  • Tax Planning


It may be that you want to set up a regular savings plan to build up a pot for your future...maybe to pay for university fees, a special family holiday, or just to have a 'rainy day' fund. 

Maybe you have inherited a sum of money and have no immediate need for the cash. Investing all or part of it could be a good idea if you are looking for long term growth.


Or it could be that you are disappointed with interest rates available on deposit and want your savings to work harder for you. Did you know that inflation is currently at 7.9% (source: Office for National Statistics, June 2022) so unless you're earning a rate of interest close to this on your savings then the 'real' value of your money will depreciate over time. 


I offer advice on investing lump sums, regular savings or even phasing a lump sum into the market over time. 

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